
This documentation covers the latest version of the API, and will guide you in configuring a search to meet your compliance needs. Below are general API examples. The parameters below are explained in more detail on the parameters documentation page.

OFAC API exposes a RESTful JSON based web service that accepts HTTPS POST requests. Each request must contain your organizations apiKey, which may be passed within the request body or a request header field labeled apiKey.

Important Full API technical specification can be found here OFAC API v3 Swagger UI

Example Requests

Example 1 Screening a single client name against the OFAC SDN list with a minimum similarity score of 95.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"minScore": 95,
	"source": ["SDN"],
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Abu Abbas"

Example 2 Screening 2 client names against the OFAC SDN and UK OFSI lists with a minimum similarity score of 95.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"minScore": 95,
	"source": ["SDN", "UK"],
	"cases": [
			"name": "Abu Abbas"
			"name": "Sergei Vladilenovich"

Example 3 Screening a clients name, passport or address against the default data sources and minimum similarity score.
Note Sanction results may be returned based on name, address or passport alone.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Jose Orejuela",
		"passport": {
			"passportNumber": "10545599",
			"passportCountry": "Venezuela"

		"address": {
			"address1": "1234 Ranch Street",
			"city": "Cali",
			"country": "Columbia"

Example 4. Screening a vessel based on IMO number.

  • The ID type field vessel is not required, but will filter results to include only vessels.
  • The client IMO number must only be contained within the sanctioned vessel's IMO number for a match to be returned.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Client Vessel",
		"type": "vessel",
		"ids": [{
			"id": "9167291"

Example 5. Screening a client name and generic ID - phone number.
Note The ID type field is optional. OFAC API will return any match in which the ID id field is found in the sanction data.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Mehr-e Eqtesad",
		"ids": [{
			"type": "phone number",
			"id": "982188526302"

Example 6. Screening a client based on email address.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Tidewater Co",
		"ids": [{
			"type": "email",
			"id": ""

Example 7. Screening a client based crypto wallet or email address.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Xiaobing Yan",
		"ids": [{
				"type": "bitcoin wallet",
				"id": "12QtD5BFwRsdNsAZY76UVE1xyCGNTojH9h"
				"type": "email address",
				"id": ""

Example 8. Screening a client business (entity) based on address or website.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Iranian Shipping",
		"type": "entity",
		"ids": [{
			"id": ""
		"address": {
			"address1": "Pasdaran Street",
			"city": "Tehran",
			"country": "Iran"

Example 9 Screening a client name and date of birth.

	"apiKey": "your-api-key",
	"cases": [{
		"name": "Alexander Vasilevich",
		"dob": "1971-10-16"


The consolidated screening API is intended to assist organizations in meeting their compliance obligations. Typical use cases include screening of parties involved in financial and remittance transactions, insurance regulations, import and export commerce, ongoing organizational KYC/CDD or in the execution of an AML plan.


It is recommended that your query be as specific as possible, which will increase the result accuracy and avoid false positives. Review the APIs parameters in order to customize your queries behavior and result set.

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